Road Race ~ Hougue Bie

Course Description
Running through the Parishes of St Martin and Grouville, the
lobular Hougue Bie (pronounced Hoo Bee) is situated in the east
of the island and is the only course without a sea view!
It's one of the most popular circuits on the island as it has a
little bit of everything for everyone and is especially suited
to the baroudeurs of this world.
Hougue Bie Final Corner ~ finish line 300 metres
Photo ~ Sam Goulding
Starting half way down the west side of the circuit, it's a short run to the highest point and first corner, where sits the 18 metre high, 3500 BC, Neolithic tomb of Hougue Bie. Another of Jersey's impressive landmarks.
From there, it's downhill, heading east to the foot of Queen's Valley reservoir. At the end of every downhill we have an up, and here we have the sixty second screamer, Ransom's Climb.
At the top of the ramp, the attacks kick off as you round the sharp left on to the undulating, but steadily rising Route de Faldouet. At St Martin's Village, at the junction of the parish church there's another left hander that takes you to the dip at La Preference and the Equipe Flamme Rouge, Maufant Sprint.
The road slopes gently upwards, to discourage breakaways, until the last, tight, traffic-islanded, left hander (above) that opens up on to the finishing straight. The rising finish line is situated at the entrance to the Beuvelande Farm Complex, 300 metres up the road.