Flamme Rouge Training Circuits
Gunsite Grupetto
The calm before the storm...
What are they?
These circuits are designed to help
the rider who has a significant level of fitness, and would like
to test themselves with something more challenging than a
steady-state endurance ride along the "normal" roads of Jersey.
These circuits can be used to get you fit for charity events, local racing, big European sportive challenges, like the L'Etape, Quebrantahuesos, Paris Roubaix or super-endurance events like the Ventoux Master Series. There are thousands of events held all around the world, and you can train for all of them here in our little nine by five mile island of Jersey. You just need to know where to go!

Maillot Noir
French Trophee Passion Leader 2011
Do the right things, in the right order, at the right time and you'll come back with a Gold Brevet from your challenge of choice. Or, if you really push yourself, you could earn yourself a nice, fetching, black, Championship Leader's Jersey (above) or do an Andy Perree and come back with a huge trophy (below)!
No matter what you do, or where you go, it's the riding the bike that's important. But if you want to improve as a rider you need to seek out, and conquer, more challenging rides. All we're offering here are options...