VO2max Development

A full blooded wVO2max Test
Getting the numbers to make you fitter, faster, stronger...

When & Why?
You can't. in reality, legally increase your VO2max beyond your physical limits.
Your VO2max is a product of your genes; it's the size of your lungs,
your heart and your ability to process oxygen and get it to your
muscles. It is what it is.
If, however, you wish to realize your potential, you can either take EPO or you can train to make the most of what you've got. I strongly recommend you do the latter. Because I've been using Evening Primrose Oil for years and it hasn't helped my VO2max one little bit; however my "lady cramps" have all but disappeared!
So train it is then. Here is a session that will allow you to develop your power output at VO2max. As we've already discussed, it isn't really possible to radically boost your VO2max so you have to make more efficient use of what you've got.
You'll remember from the VO2max factsheet that VO2max can loosely be described as:
"the maximum amount of oxygen you can take in and make use of "
To make best use of the attributes you've been dealt you need to place them under some sort of strain. And here's how you do it.
It's a simple three step process.
▼ Do a wVO2max Test, like the one above
▼ Define your training zones
▼ Train at the right intensity, for the right amount of time
▼ Recover, adapt, go away, set PB's, win races!
Okay, that's four points and point four is a result of carrying out steps one, two and three. Don't think you can bypass step one!
Can be carried out on the road or the turbo but I believe the turbo is best for consistency and repeatability.
For the road, find a constant grade, 4 minute hill that allows you to maintain a rhythm.
Don't do hairpins or grade changes.
The Warm Up Warning
All interval sessions require a thorough and
proper warm up...
Once thoroughly warmed up and at "race pace" readiness, undertake the following session.
Intensity is the key here. Make sure you hit the right intensity and only do as many intervals as you can before the quality drops, If you manage three, then that's it; STOP! Add an extra one next time.
When you're able to comfortably complete five; retest, get new numbers, and do the intervals with your new intensity.
Again, if you can't complete five, don't worry. It will come.