60 Second Killers!

Dianne, (mrs flamme
rouge) full commitment L'Eroica.
This is how you ride a 60 Second Killer
When & Why?
These are to be undertaken at the back end of your pre-competition phase or during the season when you're
looking for a boost or a high intensity overload in a short time frame.
Good for building speed and repeatability for road races or crits.
Can be carried out on the road or the turbo
but I believe the turbo is best for repeatability and keeping safe when
squeezing out the final bits of the last intervals. They do send
your eyes a little out of focus!
Hit the interval with full commitment and build up in your first five to
ten seconds to full-on, lead out pace. Don't sprint, don't "jump"
in to the interval, just take 5-10 seconds to get to full speed and hold
it for a minute.
Take 60 seconds recovery at "taking your bike for a walk" pace.
Hit the interval again until you've completed five intervals. Then take a five minute recovery.
Repeat again for a further five intervals. If you're really, really on your game, you might be able to do three reps. If you can do four, you haven't gone hard enough in the previous three attempts!
In your head, this is what you're doing, the reality is a little different!
See how hard the coach is working? A tough job, but someone has to
do it.
As soon as you can't complete a full 60 seconds, STOP the session and go to recover mode. You can always add one more the next time you do them. Don't think you can take a rest and go again. When it's over, it's over; job done.
The Warm Up Warning
All interval sessions require a thorough and proper warm up...
Once thoroughly warmed up and at "race pace" readiness, undertake the following session.