FTP Drills

You'll see from the picture above, that riding above your
functional threshold hurts and hurts bad.
Mur di Sormano ~ Fabio Casartelli Gran Fondo
When & Why?
To understand why you need to increase your Functional Threshold Power, please review the
FTP factsheet. To
understand how you increase your FTP continue reading this one and you
may be able to spend less time cycling with the above pained expression.
As with all structured principles, training or otherwise, we need to start from a known baseline. To carry out "proper" FTP development, we need to know our FTP to begin with. How to determine your FTP is well documented in the above factsheet. So if you haven't read it yet, it's a good place to start.
Obviously ideal for a turbo session but can be built
in to longer rides at the weekend on the road. No real risks on
the road other than avoiding junctions, traffic lights and environmental
factors. Much easier to pace indoors!
There are many ways to help develop your FTP. The
Classic Method as developed by Dr Andrew Coggan, is the 2 x 20
session. Two 20 minute intervals, at 85% FTP separated by a 10
minute recovery. Hardly edge of the seat excitement but it does
bring results.
There are many variations on FTP Development (I have many sessions in the Self-Coach Manual) but this is the first, possibly the best, and probably the least inspiring of them all. I'll release others to you in due course. The best ones, I save for my clients or are in the manual!
The Warm Up Warning
All interval sessions require a thorough and
proper warm up...
Once thoroughly warmed up and at "race pace" readiness, undertake the following session.