Block Intervals

Robert Cole putting his block intervals to good use
on the White Horse Challenge
When & Why?
This deceptively challenging block of intervals can be used in the
pre-competition phase or anytime in the mid-season to give a boost to
your hill climbing, time trialling, or just plain ability to suffer at
the end of a race in the lead up to the sprint.
Obviously ideal for a turbo session but can be built
in to longer mid-week rides on the road. No real risks on
the road other than avoiding hills, junctions, and traffic lights. Much easier to pace indoors!
This is a four week interval session, to be undertaken once a
week, starting and finishing with Session A.
In week one you carry out Session A, with four, one minute efforts, starting with a low-ish gear, increasing the gear each minute and finishing in a medium gear. At the end of four minutes you take a three minute, small ring recovery, then go again from the beginning to complete three sets.
Each week you increase the starting gear, until you're starting in a medium gear and finishing in a high-ish gear. You're also adding an extra set each week to help bring on the fitness.
In the fourth, recovery week, you drop back to Session A to be amazed at how easy it all seems. Whereas three weeks earlier it had you begging for the end!
The Warm Up Warning
All interval sessions require a thorough and proper warm up...
Once thoroughly warmed up and at "race pace" readiness, undertake the following session.