Trophee Passion 1 ~ Le Six Bourgoise

Here we are, Round 1 of the Trophee Passion. My season long journey for notoriety, and finally trying to finish something I've started.
Please don't mention the list of outstanding "house jobs" that are a "work in progress".
Well it beats signing on in a gymnasium...
Unfortunately the week before we were due to leave, Meg our team mascot had a seizure and remained on her sickbed, unable to eat or drink.
Dianne, stayed behind to comfort the stricken creature, so this was to be a long, lonely, quiet journey on my own.
My Weekend
Without the company of the woman you love it's just not the same; so here's a VERY condensed version of what happened!
▼ Caught the boat
▼ Went to Calais
▼ Signed on in the magnificent Town Hall
▼ Raced, dodged a huge crash, got hit by a flying bike
▼ Hung on, got dropped, got back on
▼ Shelled out on final climb
▼ Came in fourth (alone), went home
good morning's work done, it's a six hour drive back home, all alone, no
one to laugh, chat, share things with, have your chocolate stolen by. It's not the same and I
didn't enjoy it as much as I would, could or should have...
Not the most inspiring parcours you'll ever ride but nice countryside when you got there.
Hotel was a little naff, but then it's what you'd expect and the organisation for a first attempt wasn't too shabby but the marshaling could of been better.
At the end of the race, in the finishing straight, is a disused level crossing that has three inch gaps across it and a huge drop off in it.
Even to me (who likes a little adventure), it's an accident waiting to happen. Should really be sorted but what can you do?
Next round will see us at the Ble D'or, a race I finished 9th in last year. Team Mascot is back on her "wobbly" feet, so bring it on...
name that tune...