People We Like

Mission 1 Racing
Rebels With a Cause...
This section contains the charity pages and riders we support, along with the businesses and projects of riders we've had the pleasure to work with.
We also have links to cycling clubs where you'll find a warm welcome, hard riding and the "odd" flamme rouger.
It will be an ever-growing list as time allows, so come back often for a check to see who's doing what and where.
We only "link" to people or clubs who are of the highest integrity, or can help you become a better, fitter, faster or stronger bike rider.
We have no advertisers, we accept no money from people. Everyone in this section of the site is there by merit.
If you find good people who deserve to be here, contact us and we'll look in to it. If anyone lets you down, as unlikely as it is, we also want to know.
If you contact any of the organisations, or use any of these services, please be sure to mention us. It may, or may not secure you a discount or preferential room at a training camp, but if you don't mention us, you'll never know!
Have fun...
Final K Sporting Services...
Final K Sporting Services is a unique business focusing on a diverse range of services in the industry of sports and fitness. At the core of our team you will find we hold to three main principles:
Integrity — Our staff honours this as a core value. We will never sacrifice our ethics or that of our clients in the pursuit of results. Only honesty and commitment will lead to success.
Dedication — Everyday we will give 100% of ourselves to our clients. We will strive to seek out the clearest path to success and guide our clients to their goals.
Professionalism — Education and continued learning are a never-ending journey. As professionals we learn from our peers, our clients and our mentors. We take great pride in our craft and never stop believing there is more to learn.
We believe these principles bind us as a team and propel us forward. It is this belief that allows us to enable our clients to succeed and excel where they never have before.
Be brave click the logo above to go direct to their excellent website and remember to tell Kris we sent you!