Strava Segment ~ EFR Baracks Hill

Course Description
Possibly one of the top three toughest climbs in the island.
Sitting in the north west of the island, this is one of the
hardest ways out of Greve De Leqc bay.
Taking the road alongside the restored Jersey Militia Barracks, it climbs at an "entertaining" 12 to 15%, before, as you near the top, it ramps up to over 30% to bring your now minimal cadence to a track standing halt. Only the strong need apply.
Greve de Lecq Beach. Barracks, centre background.
Barracks Hill left upper corner. Yes it really is that steep!
As you clear the top, the road continues to climb but now it seems easy! On a good day you can see the Cherbourg Peninsula and if you hear the strafing of high powered bullets, it's just the rifle range to the left of you. Keep your head down and don't stop.