Sports Nutrition
Optimal race performance requires optimal training and optimal preparation. One aspect of preparation often overlooked by athletes is giving their nutritional needs the attention they deserve.
We all know what to eat as part of a balanced
diet, but how can we be sure our diet is balanced in the right way?
Are you eating enough to fuel your training and competition needs?
Are you eating the right things at the right time to allow maximum
recovery in the minimal timeframes that allow subsequent training periods
to be as beneficial as the first? How can you lose weight without
compromising fitness gains?
We can get 80% of the information we need through reading books, surfing the net or asking knowledgeable mates. But is 80% good enough for the level at which you compete? Would you train at 80% of your potential and settle for 80% of your results? To get that last 20%, the winning 20%, requires 80% more time and effort. This would obviously compromise your training time and may not be a good return on your time investment.
So why not go the direct route and get the advice of an expert? Access to your very own qualified nutritionalist, and finding the extra you need to gain an "unfair" advantage, is only a phone call away.
Sarah Corcoran has been offering nutritional advice for over ten years, since she was awarded the Diploma in Nutrition. Sarah's also represented Jersey at the highest sporting levels and fully understands the needs of athletes who compete when trying to hold down a full-time job.
For the price of a good meal you could change your eating habits and see a concurrent change in your performance. If you're there or thereabouts and just seem to lack that winning edge, or you feel you've reached a plateau in your training and can't get that extra push; don't you owe it to yourself to at least give it a try?
Contact Sarah (by emailing us on the link below) and I'll put you in touch to arrange a consultation and an
independent assessment of your needs. Or have an informal discussion while
having a sports massage, she also holds the internationally recognised IHBC qualification.