Our Philosophy

Our overriding aim is to put something back into the sport that has given us so much pleasure over the last thirty years.
Our one stated objective is, to help you realise your potential. We will do that by giving you the information and tools you need to become a fitter, faster, stronger, cyclist.
At whatever level you compete, we can help you train smarter and harder in working towards attaining your cycling goals.
We are lucky to be in a sport that rewards hard work and honest endevour. No matter what some of the "others" get up to.
We can't turn everyone in to Olympians, but we have in the past helped people win local races, local championships, Island Championships, Island Games medals, State, Regional and National Championships and attain World Championship qualifications.
The one common thing they all brought with them was their dedication and commitment.
At whatever level you now compete, we can help you move on to achieve a personal best in a time trial, develop a race winning sprint or complete that massive sportive you've always promised yourself.
We will do this through providing support, mentoring, advice and motivation. We will help you achieve your goals, but we won't set them for you. You decide how much you can train and we'll explain to you how long it should take to get to where you want to go.
We don't tie you in to a training programme. Our ultimate aim is to give you enough advice and information to allow yourself to become coaching self sufficient. Successful, confident, happy and independent athletes are our best advert.
We don't sell training plans; you have to ask for them. When you come to the end of a training plan, we won't hound you to purchase another. If you want one you will ask for one. If you don't, our work is done. We know you'll leave us a stronger rider than when you joined us and that is all anyone can ask.
All our riders are valued customers and their time and ours is precious. Paying clients always come first but we will do everything we can to help you if you have a specific requirement or question. Please feel free to ask, but bear in mind we get 100's of emails a day!
Be Good, Ride Hard, Suffer Well...